Why Invest in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is among the few countries in the world vastly endowed in tradable minerals such as gold, platinum, diamond, coal, and nickel and 17 Rare Earth Elements (REE) that are critical in this technologically driven world. Priority areas for investment include mining, manufacturing, energy, tourism, ICT, and infrastructure development.
Investment landscape
The 2nd dispensation promulgated and signed the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency Act into law, this resulted in the repealing and collapsing into one of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Act, the Joint Ventures Act, and the Zimbabwe Investment Authority (ZIA) Act. The ZIDA Act has clear provisions on non-discriminatory business climate, repatriation of funds, ownership and other critical factors that used to frustrate investors. The new law has also seen the operationalization of the One Stop Investment Services Centre (OSISC) which gives investors a seamless registration and license application process.
An array of fiscal incentives that investors can enjoy has been put in place by the government. These include tax holidays, corporate tax, duty free importation of raw materials, intermediate products, equipment, and machinery. Companies operating under Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are entitled to a host of fiscal concessions provided for mainly in the Income Tax (Chapter 23:06) and Finance Act (23:04).
Regional hub
Zimbabwe is a key hub within the road and rail corridor in the SADC region. The country has a vast road and rail network connecting it to its. The country is strategically positioned to link with the whole SADC region.
Vast mineral resources
Zimbabwe has a huge and highly diversified mineral resource base dominated by two prominent geological features namely the famous Great Dyke and the ancient Greenstone Belts, also known as Gold Belts. The Great Dyke is a layered igneous complex extending north-south for about 550 km. The Great Dyke plays host to the world’s largest high grade chromite resource base. Zimbabwe has the world’s second largest resource of platinum group of metals as well as significant reserves of copper and nickel.
Dynamic skilled work force
An array of fiscal incentives that investors can enjoy has been put in place by the government. These include tax holidays, corporate tax, duty free importation of raw materials, intermediate products, equipment, and machinery. Companies operating under Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are entitled to a host of fiscal concessions provided for mainly in the Income Tax (Chapter 23:06) and Finance Act (23:04).
Strong air and road access
Zimbabwe is a key hub within the road and rail corridor in the SADC region. The country has a vast road and rail network connecting it to its. The country is strategically positioned to link with the whole SADC region.
Favourable climatic conditions
Zimbabwe enjoys a lovely, temperate climate. The central highveld plateau has temperatures up to 28°C/82°F. The country can be divided into six different regions of agricultural potential, with the amount of rainfall constituting the determining factor in land use.
Peace and stability
Investments are secure as there is low crime rate and Zimbabweans are peace loving people. Investing in Zimbabwe is Investing in stability.
Business ready environment
Zimbabwe’s pro-business policies, ready built infrastructure, strong supply chains and reliable human capital makes it the perfect destination for investors.